22 research outputs found

    The connection between teaching and learning. Linking teaching quality and metacognitive strategy use in primary school

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    Background: In order for teaching to be successful, students need to be actively involved in learning. However, research on teaching effectiveness often neglects students\u27 learning activities. Although it is assumed that effective teaching promotes the use of beneficial learning activities, empirical evidence for this connection is still limited. Aims: This study aimed to investigate the connection between effective teaching and reported learning activities. We hypothesize specific relations between a three-dimensional model of teaching quality (i.e., cognitive activation, supportive climate, and classroom management) and students\u27 reported use of metacognitive strategies. Students\u27 intrinsic motivation is considered as a mediator and a moderator of this connection. Sample: N = 1,052 students from 53 German primary school classes and their science teachers participated. Methods: Data were collected through classroom or video observation and questionnaires over a period of approximately 2 months. Multilevel analysis was utilized to test our hypotheses. Results: Each dimension of teaching quality positively predicted students\u27 reported use of metacognitive strategies. For supportive climate, this connection was mediated by students\u27 intrinsic motivation. Cognitive activation negatively predicted the slopes between students\u27 reported metacognitive strategy use and motivation. Conclusions: The results support the notion that effective teaching is connected to learning activities and stress the importance of students\u27 learning motivation. Results from the cross-level interaction could indicate that especially less motivated students\u27 reported metacognitive strategy use might be supported by cognitively activating teaching. (DIPF/Orig.

    Embedded formative assessment and classroom process quality. How do they interact in promoting students\u27 science understanding

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    In this study we examine the interplay between curriculum-embedded formative assessment-a well-known teaching practice-and general features of classroom process quality (i.e., cognitive activation, supportive climate, classroom management) and their combined effect on elementary school students\u27 understanding of the scientific concepts of floating and sinking. We used data from a cluster-randomized controlled trial and compared curriculum-embedded formative assessment (17 classes) with a control group (11 classes). Curriculum-embedded formative assessment and classroom process quality promoted students\u27 learning. Moreover, classroom process quality and embedded formative assessment interacted in promoting student learning. To ensure effective instruction and consequently satisfactory learning outcomes, teachers need to combine specific teaching practices with high classroom process quality. (DIPF/Orig.

    Grundschulunterricht aus SchĂŒler-, Lehrer- und Beobachterperspektive. ZusammenhĂ€nge und Vorhersage von Lernerfolg

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    UnterrichtsqualitĂ€t kann mit drei Basisdimensionen beschrieben werden: strukturierte KlassenfĂŒhrung, kognitive Aktivierung und unterstĂŒtzendes Klima. Untersuchungen aus dem Sekundarbereich finden oftmals nur geringe Übereinstimmungen zwischen Urteilen zur UnterrichtsqualitĂ€t von SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern, Lehrpersonen und externen Beobachtern. Es stellt sich damit die Frage, ob aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven dieselben Konstrukte erfasst werden und wie diese mit dem Lernerfolg der SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler zusammenhĂ€ngen. FĂŒr die Grundschule werden in der vorliegenden Studie substanzielle ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen Urteilen zur strukturierten KlassenfĂŒhrung aus allen drei Perspektiven gefunden. Zudem zeigen sich hier in Mehrebenen-Regressionsanalysen Effekte aller drei Urteilerperspektiven auf die Leistungsentwicklung. Keine ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen den Perspektiven zeigen sich im Bereich kognitive Aktivierung. Beim unterstĂŒtzenden Klima bestehen ZusammenhĂ€nge nur zwischen SchĂŒler- und Lehrerurteilen. Bei den Dimensionen kognitive Aktivierung und unterstĂŒtzendes Klima waren nur die Urteile externer Beobachter entscheidend fĂŒr die Leistungsentwicklung. Die Ergebnisse können mit der unterschiedlichen Beobachtbarkeit der drei Basisdimensionen und mit den StĂ€rken und Grenzen der einzelnen Urteilerperspektiven erklĂ€rt werden.The contribution examines three basic dimensions of teaching quality: cognitive activation, supportive climate, and classroom management. Previous studies in secondary schools show that ratings of teaching quality from students, teachers, and external observers are only slightly correlated. This leads to the question if taken from different perspectives, measures actually refer to the same construct and how these measures are related to student achievement. The answer seems to depend on the basic dimension concerned. Drawing on a primary school sample, we found substantial correlations between ratings of classroom management from each perspective but no correlations between the ratings of cognitive activation. In the dimension of supportive climate, only student and teacher ratings were significantly related. Longitudinal multilevel regression analyses showed that from each perspective, ratings of classroom management had predictive power for student achievement. Regarding cognitive activation and supportive climate, only ratings of external observers were predictive for achievement. These results can be explained by taking into account that the basic dimensions cannot be observed in the same way and that each perspective has its strengths and weaknesses

    Student ratings of teaching quality in primary school. Dimensions and prediction of student outcomes

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    The contribution examines theoretical foundations, factorial structure, and predictive power of student ratings of teaching quality. Three basic dimensions of teaching quality have previously been described: classroom management, cognitive activation, and supportive climate. However, student ratings, especially those provided by primary school students, have been criticised for being biased by factors such as teacher popularity. The present study examines ratings of teaching quality and science learning among third graders. Results of multilevel confirmatory factor analyses (N = 1556 students, 89 classes) indicate that the three-dimensional model of teaching quality can be replicated in ratings of third graders. In a longitudinal study (N = 1070 students, 54 classes), we found ratings of classroom management to predict student achievement, and ratings of cognitive activation and supportive climate to predict students\u27 development of subject-related interest after teacher popularity is controlled for. The analyses show that student ratings can be useful measures of teaching quality in primary school

    HeterogenitĂ€t von SchĂŒlerleistungen in der Grundschule. Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Leistungsindikatoren und Bedingungsfaktoren fĂŒr die EinschĂ€tzung durch LehrkrĂ€fte

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    Das Thema HeterogenitĂ€t hat in den letzten Jahren eine zunehmende PrĂ€senz sowohl in empirischer Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung als auch in Schulpraxis und bildungspolitischen Diskussionen erfahren. In diesem Aufsatz wird untersucht, welche ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen verschiedenen objektiven Indikatoren der HeterogenitĂ€t auf Klassenebene und einer globalen LehrereinschĂ€tzung von LeistungsheterogenitĂ€t bestehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zunĂ€chst, dass im Grundschulbereich das Ausmaß von HeterogenitĂ€t (gemessen an der klasseninternen Streuung) bei verschiedenen Leistungsindikatoren (kognitive GrundfĂ€higkeiten, LeseverstĂ€ndnis, naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenz) unkorreliert ist, so dass sich nicht einheitlich von "der" LeistungsheterogenitĂ€t sprechen lĂ€sst. Die EinschĂ€tzung von 49 LehrkrĂ€ften zur LeistungsheterogenitĂ€t ihrer Klasse stimmte mit objektiven Leistungsstreuungen im LeseverstĂ€ndnis, in naturwissenschaftlicher Kompetenz sowie in einem kombinierten Leistungsindex gut ĂŒberein. Bei Nicht-Passung tendierten die LehrkrĂ€fte dazu, die LeistungsheterogenitĂ€t eher zu ĂŒberschĂ€tzen; hierfĂŒr erwies sich der Anteil an Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund als bedeutsam. Zusammengenommen bietet dieser Beitrag eine weitere empirische Grundlage fĂŒr den gegenwĂ€rtigen HeterogenitĂ€tsdiskurs. (DIPF/Autor)The heterogeneity of students is a prominent topic in empirical educational research, educational practice and discourse. The present study uses three achievement indicators (cognitive abilities, reading comprehension, and science competency) to describe the scope of individual differences within primary school classes. Furthermore, this data is combined with the ratings of 49 teachers on the heterogeneity in achievement of their entire classes. The results demonstrate that the intra-class standard deviations of the three achievement indicators do not correlate with each other. The teachers\u27 ratings of heterogeneity in achievement fit the student data regarding reading comprehension and scientific literacy. However, teachers tend to rate heterogeneity as rather high in class. Particularly,variables that are related to language (intraclass standard deviation of reading comprehension, percentage of children from immigrant families) are connected with these teacher ratings. In summary, these results provide further empirical evidence on the topic of heterogeneity. (DIPF/Autor

    On the sensitivity of achievement test items to cognitive activation

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    Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA

    Sensitivity of test items to teaching quality

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    Beitrag prÀsentiert im Kolloquium der Abteilung BildungsqualitÀt und Evaluation (BIQUA), 15. November 2017, DIPF Frankfurt am Mai

    Exploring teacher popularity. Associations with teacher characteristics and student outcomes in primary school

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    In this study, we investigated conditions and consequences of teacher popularity in primary schools. Teacher popularity is embedded in a theoretical framework that describes relationships between teacher competence, teaching quality, and student outcomes. In the empirical analyses, we used multilevel modeling to distinguish between individual students\u27 liking of the teacher and a teacher\u27s popularity as rated by the whole class (N=1070 students, 54 teachers). The classroom level composite of the extent to which students liked their teacher was a reliable indicator of teacher popularity. Teacher popularity was associated with teacher self-reports of self-efficacy and teaching enthusiasm and with external observers\u27 ratings of teaching quality. The grades students received were not related to the popularity ratings. In a longitudinal study, teacher popularity predicted students\u27 learning gains and interest development over and above the effects of teaching quality. These results suggest that teacher popularity can be a useful and informative indicator in research on students\u27 academic development and teacher effectiveness. (DIPF/Orig.

    Relevanz der InstruktionssensitivitÀt von Testitems bei der Konstruktion von Schulleistungstests

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    Beitrag prĂ€sentiert bei der 83. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe fĂŒr Empirische PĂ€dagogische Forschung (AEPF), 24.-26. September 2018, LĂŒneburg